Ulster Covenant Database
1859 Griffith's Valuation for Co Londonderry
1859 Griffiths Valuations for all of Ireland
1901 and 1911 Census for Ireland (Online Search site)
Miscellaneous Links to other research related sites
Over the years I have had a number of requests from people
looking for Churches of all denominations, outside the area that I am familiar with. For this reason I have added the following
links which I hope will be of some help you if you are looking for a Church anywhere in Ireland. It is not a complete
list but I hope it helps. For information on the Churches around the Drumlamph area see my Local Churches page
the Church of Ireland Churches by Diocese. Within each Diocese page under 'Parishes and Clergy' you will find
a list of Parishes and Churches, and the name and contact details the Minister of each Church.
Information and contact details for some (not all) of the Presbyterian
congregations throughout Ireland
An index of the Presbyterian Churchs in Ulster. (Counties Antrim, Armagh, Cavan, Donegal, Down, Fermanagh, Londonderry,
Monaghan and Tyrone). It also indicates where the records can be found ie the Public Records Office (PRONI),
Presbyterian Historical Society (PHS) or retained by the local congregation, and where applicable it also includes the PRONI
References for the records.
Lists the Roman Catholic Dioceses in Ireland and the Counties covered by each Diocese. Click on the link for
further information about each Diocese, however the information in some of these is very limited but nevertheless worth
a visit.
If you discover any broken links, please let me know.
Also if you are aware of any other websites that may be helpful to anyone researching families from the Castledawson/Bellaghy/Maghera
area, please let me know and I will add them to this list.